October 10, 2010

Home Sweet, Orlando?

We came back to Orlando for a friend's wedding. As I relate our story over and over again to people here I realize 1- how much I love PDX and 2-how many people want to go there. Everyone I talk to either wants to go to PDX or knows someone who has been and has had a wonderful time. It's pretty impressive. A little more than year ago PDX wasn't even on my radar and now it seems to be on everyone's radar. Maybe I am just ahead of the curve???? At any rate, it has been great to come home. I've been able to see some friends, get caught up, see the pup, and spend some time with my family. I realize that I still have a place in my heart for Florida but PDX is my new home and for all those things I love about Florida I could find equally wonderful things in Oregon.

You can always go home again.

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